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How to get the pose of a TCP wrt the global cs?可打印版本

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How to get the pose of a TCP wrt the global cs?-Maarten-03-23-2022

Hi, how do I get the pose of the TCP of a robot with respect to the global coordinate system?

I could combine the following commands, but it would become a bit cumbersome:
  • robot.Pose() gives the TCP pose with respect to the current reference frame (which could be anything);
  • robot.poseFrame() gives the pose of the current reference frame with respect to the robot base;
  • robot.poseAbs() gives the pose of the robot base with respect to the global coordinate system.
Is there a direct command I'm overlooking to get the pose of the TCP with respect to the global coordinate system, using only the robot item itself?

Best regards,


RE: How to get the pose of a TCP wrt the global cs?-Jeremy-03-23-2022

Combining is the way to get the absolute position of the tool.

You could also set the active frame to the inverse of the robot base absolute position and use robot.Pose() and set it back to the previous active frame.
