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Remote Installation/Mass Installation- Printable Version

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Remote Installation/Mass Installation-BumblingBlunderbuss-03-12-2021

Are there commandline switches, or an MSI download to permit PDQ/SCCM/etc remote/silent installations?

RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-BumblingBlunderbuss-03-15-2021


RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-Jeremy-03-15-2021

Hi Bumbling,

I honestly don't know if it's possible.
I forwarded your question to our dev team. We'll see what they think of it.


RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-Albert-03-15-2021

You can use the /S switch with our installer to install RoboDK silently. For example:
  • Install-RoboDK-64-v5.2.2.exe /S
We use NSIS installer and other default switches are also available.

Installing RoboDK silently does not install Python, so you may want to install Python afterwards with a command like this one:
  • C:/RoboDK/python-3.7.3-amd64.exe /passive "TargetDir=C:\RoboDK\Python37\" InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 Include_test=0
Once the RoboDK install is done, if you have a license you can set it up like this:
  • C:/RoboDK/bin/RoboDK.exe -NOUI -LCMD:Network:your-license-code -QUIT
Or like this if you prefer using an rdklic file:
  • C:/RoboDK/bin/RoboDK.exe "path to rdklic file.rdklic" -QUIT
Make sure to use the hidden version of the license code if it is for a class (the code starts with H).

RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-BumblingBlunderbuss-03-18-2021

I have tried /s previously, and it doesn't work silently. It immediately opens the prompt to unpack the data, and then sits and waits for user input.

RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-Albert-03-18-2021

Are you using the Windows 64 bit installer?

It should be capital S. So /S, not /s.

RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-nakeya-06-23-2022

I would like to be able to install silently (NO user input required, NO UI) under ubuntu.

/S recommendation earlier doesn't work under Linux.

Is this possible? If so how?


RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-Sam-06-23-2022

You can use the attached file with the following command:
./Install-RoboDK --script ./installscript.qs

RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-nakeya-06-24-2022

谢谢s so much for the quick reply Sam.

Is there a link to the installscript. qs file? It doesn't appear attached to the note.

RE: Remote Installation/Mass Installation-Sam-06-24-2022

My bad, I've corrected my previous post.