#!/usr/bin/env python3.8再现”代码bug where RunProgram throws up a modal dialog. //www.sinclairbody.com/forum/Thread-How-to-use-RUNMODE-QUICKVALIDATE ''' import os from robodk import robolink, robomath UR10e_path = "../../third_party/robodk/UR10e.robot" rdk = robolink.Robolink() station_name = "Modal Dialog Bug" station = rdk.Item(station_name, robolink.ITEM_TYPE_STATION) if station.Valid(): print(f"'{station_name}' station already open. Closing") rdk.setActiveStation(station) rdk.CloseStation() station = rdk.AddStation(station_name) assert station.Valid() rdk.setActiveStation(station) robot = station.AddFile(os.path.abspath(UR10e_path)) assert robot.Valid() t = rdk.AddTarget("t") assert t.Valid() t.setPoseAbs(robomath.transl(5000,0,0)) # Move target out of reach of robot p = rdk.AddProgram("p") p.MoveJ(t) rdk.setRunMode(robolink.RUNMODE_QUICKVALIDATE) result = rdk.RunProgram("p", wait_for_finished=True) print(f"\nProgram is invalid, but running in RUNMODE_QUICKVALIDATE acts like nothing's wrong (and returns {result})\n") print(f"Next we will run with RUNMODE_SIMULATE, where we get a modal dialog box that also blocks the API, and no indication there was a problem. (Returns {result})\n") rdk.setRunMode(robolink.RUNMODE_SIMULATE) rdk.RunProgram("p", wait_for_finished=True) print("Done")