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c# addCurve

the addCurve Method in c# only takes a Mat type which is not a list but only a single position fro what i can see. in c# how would you pass it a list of points?
This code should show an example to convert an array of doubles to a Mat file that you can use for RoboDK.AddCurve()

// Create the list of points as an array of array of doubles
// The size is 4 points set as XYZijk. XYZ is the position and ijk is the tool Z axis (ijk is optional)
const int np = 4;
double[,] points_xyzijk = new double[np, 6] {{0,0,0, 0,0,1}, { 500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 500, 500, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 } };

// Convert a double array of arrays to a Mat object:
Mat points_mat = new Mat(6, np);
for (int c=0; c
for (int r=0; r<6; r++)
points_mat[r,c] = points_xyzijk[c,r];

/ /加载在RoboDK垫文件
RoboDK.Item object_curve = RDK.AddCurve(points_mat);

// Rename the curve object
object_curve.setName("Imported Curve");

More information here:
perfect thanks that worked, its not the most intuitive way to create an object. here is the code as i edited in case its helps someone else out. i removed a loop and directly indexed the double[] for speed and clarity

public static Mat PointListToMat(Point[] pts, Vector ToolVec = null)
Vector tv = ToolVec;
if(ToolVec == null) tv = Vector.ZAxis();

// Create the list of points as an array of array of double
int np = pts.Length;

double[] xyzijk = new double[6];

// Convert a double array of arrays to a Mat object:
Mat points_mat = new Mat(6, np);

for (int c = 0; c < np; c++)
points_mat[0, c] = pts[c].X;
points_mat[1, c] = pts[c].Y;
points_mat[2, c] = pts[c].Z;
points_mat[3, c] = tv.X;
points_mat[4, c] = tv.Y;
points_mat[5, c] = tv.Z;


return points_mat;

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