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RobotIQ controller through RoboDK
Hi guys,

Did you end up having success in controlling your RobotIQ controller through RoboDK? I've been searching through multiple forums but no one can seem to give a direct answer.

@Albert, what exactly does RunCodeCustom do specifically for a UR? Is it sending a raw UR.script file? How would I go about sending commands from RoboDK to open and close the RobotIQ gripper?
The functionRunInstruction(或RunCodeCustom老命名)you to generate a program call at a given point in your program.

This will provoke a new line in your generated code.

You should make sure that the name of your program matches the specific function that drives your gripper. For example, if you use the Universal_Robots_RobotiQ post processor, it includes the functions to drive a 2 finger gripper. In that case, you need to callRQ_2FG_CloseandRQ_2FG_Open. Example:

robot.RunInstruction('RQ_2FG_Open', INSTRUCTION_CALL_PROGRAM)
robot.RunInstruction('RQ_2FG_Close', INSTRUCTION_CALL_PROGRAM)

To help you better integrate your RobotiQ gripper:
What gripper do you have?
Are you currently using a specific function to drive the gripper?

It may be better to open a new thread so that we can have a multipurpose post processor to support RobotiQ grippers and Force Control.
I'm using the 2F 140 gripper on a UR5e series arm.

I'm not too sure I understand what you're explaining. Sorry, my understanding is quite new when it comes to comms between RoboDK and the UR controller.

I played around with that you described but couldn't get any response from the program. However, I did try creating a program which executes a Program Call Instruction named RQ_2FG_Close. When right-clicking and attempting to run on the robot, a pop-up message appears on the UR teach pendant saying MODBUS Signal Gripper_Status1 has been deleted. So I guess I'm on the right track.

When trying to look up information about configuring the MODBUS, the most promising information is from here:

However when loading the .installation file suggested here, I get a checksum error. These files are 5 years old now so I guess these are no longer appropriate for the UR5e series.

How would you suggest to proceed?

Just an update:

我创造ed 2 separate scripts using the UR teach pendant both opening and closing the gripper. I've exported this to my PC and I can send the raw script file via sockets and port 30002 using a seperate python script and this works. However, every time I run this, it disconnects RoboDK from the robot. Is there a way I can just incorperate this script in RoboDK with my existing project?

A further update for anyone interested:

I slowly learned that robot.RunInstruction('FunctionName', INSTRUCTION_CALL_PROGRAM), actually loads a program on the UR and executes. What I found however that this doesn't always work for some strange reason. The program loads, but nothing happens. Not only this, there was about a 5-second delay between the command being sent and then actually being executed.

I ended up disconnecting the RQ-2F from the UR controller and I'm now controlling it from the PC and execution is great, no delays at all. As I couldn't really find anything existing I created my own class using the pymodbus library. On top of that, I've also created a socket server that you can connect to via TCP so I now have two methods for controlling the gripper.

This has allowed me to control the gripper through my custom GUI as well as through RoboDK.

Happy to share it on request.
Thank you for sharing this information!
This is a great solution and it will allow you to deploy your project on any robot controller with minimal integration changes.
Hi mattmct,

I would like to see your code if you don't mind sharing it.

(03-01-2019, 03:29 AM)jccourtney Wrote:Hi mattmct,

I would like to see your code if you don't mind sharing it.


Hey mate,

Sorry, I never got a notification on your request and haven't been on this forum in a while. I've attached the python script. Be advised, that we don't use this anymore and support will be limited.

But it does work!

Attached Files
.py 10.52 KB / Downloads: 1,052)

I wonder how it is possible to control (read / set) the grasping force of the Gripper RobotiQ 85.


Hi all,

After a few requests privately, I thought I'd share the latest:

Since posting this, I've found Robotiq actually has a GitHub repository for exactly this only that it's geared towards ROS. Nonetheless, the gripper still communicates via Modbus serial so, it will work on any application as long as you can run python.

Do note on line 86 they mention a TODO to add a Try/Except block around line 88. I've found on occasion line 88 response can be None so you need to test for it's type before proceeding and parsing data from it.

For example:


rr = self.client.read_holding_registers(INPUT_REG, 3,,timeout=2)
retries = 50
# To get around spuratic - object has no attribute 'registers'
while not isinstance(rr, ReadHoldingRegistersResponse):
rr = self.client.read_holding_registers(INPUT_REG, 3,
retries -= 1
if retries <= 0: raise TypeError("Failed to get status after 50 tries")
except TypeError as e:
return None
We are currently testing out a new method and if approved we will have a section in the documentation in the very near futur.

Here's the procedure:

On the other hand, the driver allows you to run programs step by step from RoboDK and see the pointer being run anytime from RoboDK. It is important to first be able to connect to the robot to use this feature. Otherwise, the optionSend program to Robotshould still work with less headaches (Windows Firewall, antivirus, etc).

To properly run custom programs using the driver (for example, opening/closing the gripper), you should use program calls instead of "Insert Code" . This should have no impact when you generate programs or send them to the robot in one shot, but it is important to have an effect with the driver. See attached image and RDK file.

Furthermore, I would like to add thefollowing correctionfrom what I said in previous emails:
You should make sure the number 255 or 0 is separated by a space before and after the brackets. Example:
rq_move_and_wait( 0 )
// instead of rq_move_and_wait(0)
This is required so the driver received the correct ID. We'll remove this requirement in future versions of RoboDK.

[Image: 0?ui=2&ik=1a65323dd9&attid=0.0.1&permmsg..._ksjhiw020]

For the RobotiQ gripper to work using the driver as described in this email, make sure to use the same file I sent on May 25th:
  1. You can take the following script file:
  2. And unzip the progrobodk.script file here:
  3. Make sure to restart the driver if it was running (double click Disconnect, then, Connect).
Keep an eye on the UR logs to see if anything fails on the robot side as well.
Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting ourOnline Documentationand by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

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