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Palletizing layers increase/decrease with python program?

I have experimented a bit with the palletizing plug-in and is wondering if i can change the amount of layers with a python program?

Best regards Martin
There is no way of controlling the palletizing plugin with an external Python script for now.
What you would like to be able to do is set up your layout and all the other setting inside the palletizing plugin and use an external python script to modify the height (layer) of the pallet, am I right?

@Phil,do you think it's something possible in the future?

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(04-04-2022, 06:10 PM)Jeremy Wrote:There is no way of controlling the palletizing plugin with an external Python script for now.
What you would like to be able to do is set up your layout and all the other setting inside the palletizing plugin and use an external python script to modify the height (layer) of the pallet, am I right?

@Phil,do you think it's something possible in the future?


What I would like to control with the script is the amount of parts that is being layed out.

So for example if i have this bord with 9 slots just mark them out with the 2D layout from the plugin.
Then with a field enter the script or direct value depending on what is needed to deffine the amount of parts.
If it exedes the 9 slots it will start to stack up. That would be the ideal solution for me.

But with how the plugin it looks to be working now it would be alot to change. So maybe I should just build it myself.

Best regard Martin
Hi Martin,

One easy solution I see is to use the plugin to create the max number of parts you assume is possible.
In the "Advanced" tab you can check the "one sub program per box".

Then with a small python script, you can copy/take only what you need according to a user input.
That would be way simpler than creating everything from scratch. That would be the route I would personally take for sure.
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