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Palletizing in warehouse

Hello,Can someone guide me to program with Universal Robot UR16e using Robodk. I will attach the robot with 2 axis Linear rail of 20 feets long then the robot should pick the item and place . It should pick from a storage racks in a warehouse and place on a conveyor or should pick from conveyor and place in a storage rack in a sorting order .example: coke should place in top rack, sprite should pace in middle rack like this.

I can give a invididual tragets to perticular iteam to put at perticular place.
My question is, in Robodk stimulation how can i create a storage rack and a exact distance to pick and place...

Please i'll appriciate if someone can answer.Because i am new here in robotics with out experience.
Just got knowledge by watching jeremy's videos on youtube.

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