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I want to get started by using MatLab with robodk, so I start by reading the guide on the website and try to run the 'Example_RoboDK.m' from C:\RoboDK\MatLab folder.
This error is shown. Then I'm stuck because nothing work.


Error in Robolink/Connect (line 344)
this.COM = tcpip('localhost', port, 'Timeout', this.TIMEOUT, 'BytesAvailableFcnMode', 'byte', 'InputBufferSize', 4000);

Error in Robolink (line 305)

Error in Example_RoboDK (line 24)
RDK = Robolink;

怎么能i fix it?

Thanks in advice
Where did you take the Matlab API from? Are you using a recent version of RoboDK?

When you install RoboDK for Windows you can find the latest version of the Matlab API here:

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