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How delete characters in a robot program

There are characters "G161" that appears when I generate a robot program (see ProgrammeSEW.cnc) with the GCode_BnR post-processor, but I don't want it, how can I modify the post-processor to delete these characters when I generate the robot program ?



Attached Files
.rdk LUCAS - ROBOT CARTÉSIEN 3 AXES - 1 ROBOT.rdk(Size: 712.52 KB / Downloads: 193)
.cnc ProgrammeSEW.cnc(Size: 642 bytes / Downloads: 164)
This depends on the settings you use and the post processor. I noticed you are using a custom G-code post processor that you did not provide. The G161 is probably being added by your post processor.

你也可以禁用所有自定义M代码的职业gram Events menu. More information here:
Hello Albert,

I use the GCode_BnR post-processor for syntax reason, what is the common GCode which is not custom post-processor ? If its syntax match with the syntax I want I would use it.

When I want to edit the GCode_BnR, I just can edit the python code of the post-processor, how can I access to the M codes ?

You would have to create a "Trap" for the "M_Code" keyword in the "def RunCode" function.

Something like:

If code.startswith("M_Code"):
Do this
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I tried but I don't know where the "def RunCode" function is in the GCode_BnR post processor, could you take a look at the attached code to help me? Also, is there a Python command that could remove a specific string "G161" in my code?

Thanks for your help,

Attached Files
.py 1.53 KB / Downloads: 110)
Hi Yohan,

What you posted is the compiled version of the post-processor.

Send me an email and I'll send you the uncompiled version.

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