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Exporting joints position of a 6 axis robot


I'm using the Macro to export joints positions of a 6 axis robot. I would like to know what correspond to the value of the position of each axis exported ? Are there polar coordinates ?
I thought that macro export joints position in cartesian coordinates with euler angles.


Attached Files
.rdk Nouvelle Station (1).rdk(Size: 416 KB / Downloads: 112)

The script exports the joint values of the robot, in degrees.
You can modify the script to add the Cartesian values.

# This script generates a chart of the simulated joints calculating joint speeds and accelerations
# Tip: Use the script to move along the recorded joints

from robolink import * # API to communicate with RoboDK
from robodk import * # basic matrix operations
from time import gmtime, strftime, time

# Simulation ratio: lower is more accurate
SimulationSpeed = 0.05 # A program that takes 5 seconds in real time, will be SimulationSpeed times faster in simulation (or slower if < 1)

# Sampling time: how often we want a new entry
SampleTime = 0.05

# To get better results:
# Select tools-Options-Motion
# Set Maximum path step (mm) to 0.01
# Set Maximum path step (deg) to 0.01

# Start RoboDK API
RDK = Robolink()

t_ratio = 1/SimulationSpeed

# Ask the user to select a robot arm (mechanisms are ignored)
prog = RDK.ItemUserPick('Select a program',ITEM_TYPE_PROGRAM)
if not prog.Valid():
raise Exception("Robot is not available")

robot = prog.getLink(ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT)
ndofs = len(robot.Joints().list())

# Generate a file in the same folder where we have the RDK file
file_path = RDK.getParam('PATH_OPENSTATION') + '/joints-' + prog.Name() + '.csv'

def joints_changed(j1, j2, tolerance=0.0001):
"""Returns True if joints 1 and joints 2 are different"""
if j1 is None or j2 is None:
return True

for j1,j2 in zip(j1,j2):
if abs(j1-j2) > tolerance:
return True

return False

def diff(j1, j2, dt, dofs):
"""Returns True if joints 1 and joints 2 are different"""
if j2 is None or dt <= 0:
return [0]*dofs

res = []
for j1,j2 in zip(j1,j2):

return res

# Infinite loop to record robot joints
print("Recording robot joints to file: " + file_path)
with open(file_path,'w') as fid:
joints_header = ",".join(["Joint " + str(i+1) for i in range(ndofs)])
speeds_header = "、"。加入([“速度”+ str (i + 1)i in range(ndofs)])
accel_header = ",".join(["Accel " + str(i+1) for i in range(ndofs)])
xyzwpr_header = ",".join(["X", "Y", "Z", "W", "P", "R"])
fid.write("Time (s)," + joints_header + ",,Time (s)," + speeds_header + ",,Time (s)," + accel_header + ",,Time (s)," + xyzwpr_header)
joints_last = None
speeds_last = None
t_last = None
t_start = None

while prog.Busy():
#t_now = time() # Estimate using t_ratio
#t_now = float(RDK.Command("SimulationTime"))*0.001

t_now = float(RDK.Command("TrajectoryTime")) # RoboDK's internal clock for motion simulation
joints = robot.Joints().list()
if joints_changed(joints, joints_last):
if t_last is None:
t_last = t_now
t_start = t_now

# Calculate timings
#t_sim = t_ratio * (t_now - t_start) # not needed if we use RoboDK's SimulationTime
#t_delta = t_ratio * (t_now - t_last) # not needed if we use RoboDK's SimulationTime
t_sim = t_now - t_start
t_delta = t_now - t_last
如果t_delta < SampleTime:
# Minimum 5 ms time for good accuracy

# Calculate speeds
speeds = diff(joints, joints_last, t_delta, ndofs)

# Calcualte accelerations
accels = diff(speeds, speeds_last, t_delta, ndofs)

# Calculate xyz
xyzwpr = pose_2_xyzrpw(robot.Pose())

print('Time +S: %.3f s' % t_sim)
joints_str = ",".join(["%.6f" % x for x in joints])
speeds_str = ",".join(["%.6f" % x for x in speeds])
accels_str = ",".join(["%.6f" % x for x in accels])
xyzwpr_str = ",".join(["%.6f" % x for x in xyzwpr])

time_str = ("%.6f," % t_sim)
fid.write(time_str + joints_str + ",," + time_str + speeds_str + ",," + time_str + accels_str + ",," + time_str + xyzwpr_str)
t_last = t_now
joints_last = joints
speeds_last = speeds

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This script only exports joint values, not Cartesian.

You can calculate the Cartesian position of your robot effector using SolveFK.

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