You can use the /S switch with our installer to install RoboDK silently. For example:
Installing RoboDK silently does not install Python, so you may want to install Python afterwards with a command like this one:
- Install-RoboDK-64-v5.2.2.exe /S
Installing RoboDK silently does not install Python, so you may want to install Python afterwards with a command like this one:
- C:/RoboDK/python-3.7.3-amd64.exe /passive "TargetDir=C:\RoboDK\Python37\" InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 Include_test=0
- C:/RoboDK/bin/RoboDK.exe -NOUI -LCMD:Network:your-license-code -QUIT
- C:/RoboDK/bin/RoboDK.exe "path to rdklic file.rdklic" -QUIT