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Hiding frames
Is it possible to hide the station reference frame, and the robot flange reference using Python? I have tried to use the setVisible() method as shown below, but it does not seem to apply to these two frames:

def makeStation():
= RDK站。ActiveStation()
station.setName('Student Station')
station.setVisible(False) # Does not work.

station.AddFile(PATH + 'UR5_2014350238.robot')
ur5_2014350238_base = RDK.Item('UR5 Base')
ur5_2014350238_base.setName('UR5_2014350238 Base')

ur5_2014350238 = RDK.Item('UR5')
ur5_2014350238.setVisible(True, False) # Does not work.

Messages In This Thread
Hiding frames - byRBE- 10-19-2018, 04:02 AM
RE: Hiding frames - byJeremy- 10-24-2018, 07:26 PM

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