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Program Event or Function Call for 3D Printing Extruder Control

Hi Albert,

thank you for the reply this actually helps a lot! I've been trying to modify the scripts in RDK and the Postprocessor when what I needed was the Robot driver. I looked in the directory where the drivers are and found that the kuka driver "apikuka" is a .exe file that i can't modify but there is a
From a quick look it seems that the driver is for a robot with 7 degrees of freedom, I'll try to get it working with our 6 DoF robot, but could you provide the apikuka.exe as .py file?

I would approach the problem by adding another elif like the one below:

elif n_cmd_values >= nDOFs_MIN and cmd_line.startswith("MOVL"):
# Activate the monitor feedback
# Execute a linear move. RoboDK provides j1,j2,...,j6,j7,x,y,z,w,p,r
if ROBOT.SendCmd(MSG_MOVEL, cmd_values):
# Wait for command to be executed
if ROBOT.recv_acknowledge():
# Notify that we are done with this command

and change it so if the code starts with "Call Extruder" it establishes a connection by telnet to the extruder, sends the Gcode command and closes the connection.

Best regards

Messages In This Thread
RE: Program Event or Function Call for 3D Printing Extruder Control - byPatrickC- 01-13-2020, 09:27 AM

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