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CRS F3新手。Also try Thermo CRS, CRS A465, or KUKA KR3

(10-10-2019, 11:51 PM)roboterxj Wrote:I would like to see if you can send or publish a sample program that you had success with from the terminal to the controller??

The programs I've tried so far are pretty simple. My eventual goal is to send the coordinates from PC in real time. The RoboDK approach is processing the complete path into a .r3 file, which should work also.

I'll explain here the steps I've used to transfer files to the controller, compile and run them:

Part 1: Install uudecode
This is a custom utility I wrote to make file transfer easier, without using any of the original PC software. To install it, do this in the serial console (PuTTY should work fine):
  1. Go to binaries directory:"cd /bin"
  2. Use built-in editor to create new file:"edit uudecode.r3"
  3. Type edit command to insert text on line 1:"i1"
  4. Copy paste the code from here
  5. Press enter to terminate insert mode
  6. Type"s"and enter to save, then"q"and enter to quit editor.
  7. Compile with"r3c uudecode.r3"
Part 2: Transferring files
Pasting to edit only works for simple files that have no empty lines. Now with the uudecode installed, we can easily paste any files by first uuencoding them on the PC.

  1. As a test file, you can use this: will move +- 50 mm distance from current robot location in X and Y directions, repeating that 10 times.
  2. uuencode the file. On linux there is uuencode command, on Windows you can use it online e.g. here:
  3. You should now have an encoded file like this: the file name on header line is wrong, you can edit it, that's the name it will get on the CROS side.
  4. Go to directory where you want to put the application:"cd /app"is a good place
  5. Type"uudecode"and enter, and then paste the encoded file from step 3.
  6. Then you should see the file with"ls -l"and be able to compile with“r3c simple_test.r3”.
  7. Run with"./simple_test"and it should move the arm. ARM power should be on first, and it may ask you to press pause/continue to take "point of operation", i.e. give permission to application to move.
If you run into any errors there, just ask!

Messages In This Thread
RE: CRS F3 newbie. Also try Thermo CRS, CRS A465, or KUKA KR3 - byjpa- 10-11-2019, 07:33 AM

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