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CRS F3新手。也试着热CRS,CRS A465, or KUKA KR3

Hi roboterxj,

Our hacklab also has a CRS F3 robot arm that we are trying to make use of.
I'm currently experimenting with ROS MoveIt package, but perhaps we can still help each other.

I don't have any of the associated Windows software available, but through the serial port terminal there is a CROS language compiler available.
My intent is to write a simple program in CROS that can receive coordinates (in joint-space) and move the arm, and then control that from whatever software on PC.
So far I've written some tools to transfer files to the controller (I guess robcomm could do this also).
My work is available here:

Regarding the controller software, it has a battery backed SRAM ramdisk, and a flash chip.
Mine seems to have all the basic utilities in flash, and if it loses the battery or you mess up, you can restore from there.

Messages In This Thread
RE: CRS F3 newbie. Also try Thermo CRS, CRS A465, or KUKA KR3 - byjpa- 08-26-2019, 06:10 PM

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