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Split object .stp

Dear RoboDK staff,

I have a few questions about the "Split object" function, which allows you to split a 3D file (such as .stp) into its single parts. In particular I wonder:

1) When you use this function, the created parts are associated to files .cadobj; is it possible to associate them to .stp files as well?

2) Is it possible to customize someway the "Split object" function (maybe with a Python script) to specify for example the single parts you want to split from the original .stp file?

3) Can I find anywhere some documentation about this specific function?

Thank you in advance


Messages In This Thread
Split object .stp - byftoso91- 04-29-2016, 08:28 AM
RE: Split object .stp - byRoboDK- 05-02-2016, 04:17 PM
RE: Split object .stp - byftoso91- 05-03-2016, 08:20 AM

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