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Color snapshots unpredictably 4-channel RGBA or 3-channel RGB

# FOV=63.911 PixelSize=2.599117 Size=640x480 Snapshot=640x480 SHOW_LIMITS FOCAL_LENGTH=1.00 FAR_LENGTH=2800.00 BG_COLOR=#ffffff Persp WindowResize
bytes_img = RDK.Cam2D_Snapshot("", cam, "Color")
nparr = np.frombuffer(bytes_img, np.uint8)
img = cv2。imdecode (nparr cv2。IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
# sometimes (480, 640, 4), sometimes (480, 640, 3)
What happens:Color cameras sometimes give 4-channel RGBA images, and sometimes 3-channel RGB images. I think it has to do with whether there are transparent objects in the scene but I'm not sure. Thesamecamera can give different image channels, it's not two different cameras.
What I expect to happen:Snapshots are either always 4-channel RGBA or always 3-channel RGB regardless of what happens to be in front of the camera.

(OS: macOS, RoboDK version: latest, just downloaded now and tried on currently available latest version)

Messages In This Thread
Color snapshots unpredictably 4-channel RGBA or 3-channel RGB - byhn-cso- 06-08-2023, 01:00 AM

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