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Jogging functionality through the API

Hello RoboDK Community,

I'm currently working on a project and I've come across a bit of a roadblock. I'm trying to create jogging functionality using the API, but I'm finding it a bit tricky.
What I'm aiming for are two main functions:
  1. MoveTcp(Direction, velocity, reference_frame, acceleration)RotateTcp(Direction, velocity, acceleration, reference_frame)
These should allow for smooth, linear robot movement at a specified speed and acceleration in a given direction. The key point here is that I'm looking for a continuous motion, not one made up of incremental steps.

I've tried creating a list of waypoints and adding a program with some rounding to create this effect, but unfortunately, this approach proved to be slower than necessary for my use case.

One workaround I've found helpful for the MoveTcp function was to calculate the furthest reachable point along a line in a particular direction, achieved by iterating and using SolveIK to ensure a non-null return. While this method seems to work well for MoveTcp, it doesn't guarantee the movement direction for RotateTcp due to the inherent rotational aspect.

我真的很感激如果任何人都可以提供ome advice or point me towards any resources that could help me overcome this hurdle. I'm sure I'm not the first person to encounter this, and any suggestions would be welcome.

Messages In This Thread
Jogging functionality through the API - byMohamed El-Hamzawy- 06-03-2023, 02:43 AM
RE: Jogging functionality from API - byAlbert- 06-19-2023, 06:59 AM

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