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Can you use the turntable to handle wrapped toolpaths?

I am using Vectric Aspire software to handle our STL file toolpath generation. How it manages 3D toolpaths is by flattening the image onto a plane with a depth map, then it wraps it about the X or Y axis, using X or Y commands to rotate the part.

In RoboDK, would there be any way to position the spindle head perpendicular to the axis of rotation, then import a toolpath which makes the turntable rotate with X commands instead of the spindle head moving linearly along X?

In my RoboDK screenshots, the wide toolpath is exported with a simple GCode post processor, and the toolpath generated on a single plane is exported with a post processor that wraps X values about the Y axis.

I use a Kuka KRC2 controller.

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Can you use the turntable to handle wrapped toolpaths? - byPeter Shryock- 12-19-2022, 04:53 PM

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