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Smart/Axes Optimization API


I am trying to set the axes optimization settings of a curve follow project with synchronized pair of robots: 6-axis and 2-axis (positioner) .

I can read and modify the "OptimAxes" settings but I can't get them into the curve follow project.

I'm not sure how to check the "Smart Optimization" checkbox through the API. Is that my problem?

# Get list of current robot joints:
robot_joints = robot.Joint().list()

# Get list of joint keys:
joint_keys = []
for i in range(1,9):
joint_keys.append("AbsJnt_" + str(i))

# Read and modify axes optimization settings:
settings = project.setParam("OptimAxes")

for i in range(1,9):
settings["OptimAxes"][joint_keys[i]] = robot_joint[i]

# Update project optimization axes settings:
project.setParam("OptimAxes", settings)

Messages In This Thread
Smart/Axes Optimization API - bySamuelEStreamline- 07-28-2022, 11:23 PM
RE: Smart/Axes Optimization API - byAlbert——07-29-2022 09:51点

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