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Programming the IO of FANUC CR-15iA / R-30iB controller using RoboDK

I am trying to figure out how I can address the end effector (EE) I/O port on a FANUC CR-15iA that is being controlled via the FANUC R-30iB Plus controller box. I will be using the FANUC/RoboDK drivers offered on the RoboDK site, but there doesn't seem to be a library listing the various methods that can be called. I’m hoping to come upon a command like “setRO[x]=1” that can be executed within the KAREL code that’s being streamed into the robot by RoboDK. I’d like to inject these commands at specific robot movements such that the KAREL code would look like:

J1 xxx J2 xxx J3 xxx
J4 xxx J5 xxx J6 xxx
setRO[x] = 1;

Additionally, I have done some digging into the post processing aspect of things and found the "setDO(io_var, io_value)" command. I am wondering if I call this function as “setDO(1, 1)” if that will set robot output pin 1 (RO[1]) to be 1 on the EE I/O port.

Any info on how to program the FANUC CR-15iA / R-30iB plus controller via RoboDK code would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
Programming the IO of FANUC CR-15iA / R-30iB controller using RoboDK - byRobotOverlord- 05-04-2022, 07:53 PM

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