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Get position not working with KUKA 4 axis paletizer

I'm currently working with a robot cell with 2 KUKA KR 180 R3200 PA.

I manage to connect to the robot without problem and to get its position (already did this on other cells with Quantec robot).

The problem is that the robot in RoboDK is not using the righ axis value for axis 4. Indeed, on real robot, the last axis is number 6 (axis 4 is always 0 and axis 5 is moved automatically by the controller), whereas in RoboDK, the last axis is 4. So the virtual robot use the value of axis 4 of real robot witch is always 0.


Thanks in advance,


Messages In This Thread
Get position not working with KUKA 4 axis paletizer - bygb2njoa- 03-24-2022, 01:43 PM

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