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Program Event or Function Call for 3D Printing Extruder Control

Hello Patrick!

Thank you very butch for sharing your workflow anf scripts for CS8 controller.
I have the similar model (CS8C TX60 robot) and I can not deal with MoveL commands and RunOnRobot mode at same time. The MoveL working good while I upload to robot, but when I run on robot, gives me an error (soflimit reached). The MoveJ command just working good.
How did you deal with this situation? I tried all posts and I have installed HSM Machining on SC8C so I tried the machining post as well. All of them working the same - giving me fault at MoveL.


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RE: Program Event or Function Call for 3D Printing Extruder Control - byeduardsik- 01-06-2022, 02:04 PM

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