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Staubli_VAL3_simplified Post processor

We are new users of RoboDK and we think there are 2 smalls bugs in “Staubli_VAL3_simplified”:

1) "def Pose_2_Staubli" line 120 to 123 should be comment/supress to use "Pose_2_Staubli" from robodk library which as the good behaviour instead of this one (angle was given in radian instead of degree);

2) In the definition of "def angles_2_str(angles)" line 135 should be corrected from
"str = str + ('j%i="%.5f" ' % (i, angles[i])) " to " str = str + ('j%i="%.5f" ' % (i+1, angles[i]))" in order to have a numbering of "j" from j1 to j6.

Thanks for your answer if you have encoutered the same problems or if it comes from a missunderstanding of our use of RoboDK software.


Thank you for letting us know about this post processor issue. We have fixed these 2 issues with the simplified Stäubli post processor and updated it with our latest release.

I attached the file for reference.


Attached Files
.py 21.28 KB / Downloads: 877)

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