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Activate License Over API可打印版本

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Activate License Over API-rshanor-10-11-2022

Is this possible? This thread (// seems to suggest it is possible but the following does not work.

RoboDK item (INVALID)

Looks like AddFile works even if an invalid item is returned.

再保险:激活许可证/ API-Albert-10-12-2022

The method you mentioned should work (you get an invalid item returned because it does not create any item in your project).

There are other ways to activate your license. The simplest may be through a command line option. Example:
C:/RoboDK/bin/RoboDK.exe -NOUI "path-to-rdilic-file.rdklic" -QUIT
C:/RoboDK/bin/RoboDK.exe -NOUI -LCMD=Network:H1111-2222-3333-4444-AAAA-BBBB-8888-9999 -QUIT

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