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How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File- Printable Version

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How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Steve Zhang-10-05-2022

I created a 3D path with igs file,but the arrow direction are all +Z.And because of too many points,I can't select the point I want.
How can I make all arrows normal to the path and toward outside?

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Albert-10-05-2022

You need a surface in contact with your curve so RoboDK can automatically extract the normal to the surface when loading the IGES file.

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Steve Zhang-10-06-2022

Thanks,one more question
How To Merge Different Types Path Files(igs,csv...) And My Part in RoboDK?

I made this path with a 3D CAD.
To export path,so my path has to be igs file,while the part is stp file.
even I chose 'move nested', it didn't work...
I wanted to know how I can merge my CAD part and path file in RoboDK.

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Jeremy-10-06-2022

Have them in the same reference frame, select both -> "Merge"


RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Steve Zhang-10-10-2022

Thanks for your reply,Jeremy.It works,but new problem comes.
You can see I have a continuous curve around a cylinder surface, but its normal direction is discontinuous and changes abruptly at some points.I don't know why. How can it be improved?

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Albert-10-10-2022

You can activate this option to have more accurate normals when importing IGES and STEP files:
  1. SelectTools-Options
  2. Select theCADtab
  3. Activate the optionImport curve and point normals accurately

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Steve Zhang-10-11-2022

I followed your method,but it doesn't work.And it got worse somewhere.Is there any other way?

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Albert-10-11-2022

Have you tried importing it as a STEP file instead of an IGES file?

Can you share your 3D models? (STEP and/or IGES files)

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Steve Zhang-10-12-2022

No,I still use the igs file.
I can share my igs file,you can check.I made this igs file in Catia.

RE: How To Modify The Path Based on .igs File-Jeremy-10-12-2022

Are you trying to do some carbon fiber wrapping or something like that?

If so, this method might not be the best.
