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Add-ins for Inventor - Issues——革命制度党ntable Version

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Add-ins for Inventor - Issues-cmueller-09-09-2022

Add-ins for Inventor - Issues

When using "Auto" it only brings in to RoboDK the path, Not the whole object nor does it set it a curve follow project.
If you use the Load part, it does bring it in Fine.

But same when using Loading Points or curves, fails to bring the rest with it.

Note- using Inventor 2022

RE: Add-ins for Inventor - Issues-Albert-09-12-2022

Do you see any error messages? Could you share the Autodesk Inventor project and the RoboDK projects?

RE: Add-ins for Inventor - Issues-cmueller-09-12-2022

After doing some reading up, it maybe because I'm still on a trial of the software. Was looking to test it out with our two UR welding robots.
Is that the case maybe?