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Unable to open RoboDK on Windows VM- Printable Version

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Unable to open RoboDK on Windows VM-ssonawan-08-18-2022

.txt RoboDK.debug.txt(Size: 979 bytes / Downloads: 107)
Hello team,

我am using a windows VM to run RoboDK. The installation was smooth. However, when I try to run the software, it opens up momentarily before shutting down.

我read some other posts on this forum regarding the issue, and tried running the RoboDK-Safe-Start.bat and RoboDK-Safe-Start-VM.bat. Both gave the same result as above.

我have attached the RoboDK.debug.txt from my latest run using the safe-start-VM batch file.

我would appreciate any help on this matter.


RE: Unable to open RoboDK on Windows VM-Dmitry-08-19-2022

What type of virtual machine are you using?
我s it VMware, VirtualBox or something else?
And what version of Windows is installed as the guest OS?
Do you have 3D hardware acceleration enabled inside the VM?

RE: Unable to open RoboDK on Windows VM-ssonawan-08-23-2022

Hi Dmitry,

1. My VM is a VMware Horizon Client
2. OS is Windows 10
3.我tried to find this in the settings of the VM, but could not figure out whether it is turned on or off.

Hope this helps,