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Robot's position(angle) joint axis jog可打印版本

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Robot's position(angle) joint axis jog-sonchulho96-08-03-2022

I am tring to extract each Joint's angle of 6 axes industrial robot to Python code.

Is there any way to extract it???

RE: Robot's position(angle)_joint axis jog-Maarten-08-03-2022

I think the Joints() command is what you're looking for:


RE: Robot's position(angle)_joint axis jog-sonchulho96-08-03-2022

Thank you!! This is what I am looking for !

I am also looking for other postures of the robot.("Other configurations" in the picture)

Do you know to extract these postures??

RE: Robot's position(angle)_joint axis jog-Maarten-08-03-2022

I think you can use SolveIK_All() for that:


robot = RDK.Item('YourRobot',ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT)
all_solutions = robot.SolveIK_All(robot.Pose(),robot.PoseTool(),robot.PoseFrame())

RE: Robot's position(angle)_joint axis jog-sonchulho96-08-03-2022

非常感谢! !