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Custom robot config axes- Printable Version

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Custom robot config axes-gmarinov-03-20-2019

Hello i'm building motoman robot and have question about 4,5 joint

How to offset 5 by 4 and rotate it to align with geometry

RE: Custom robot config axes-Jeremy-03-21-2019

Hi gmarinov,

The robot you are looking for is kind of special. I don't think that you can add it by yourself.
如果哟u have a professional license, which you seem to have looking at your picture, you can send us an email (RoboDK->Help->Request Support), add the 3D model of the robot and the datasheet with the measurements and we will be happy to add it for you.

We usually do that within 2 to 4 business days, unfortunately it will take a bit more than that this time because our engineer in charge of that is out of the office for a week.

Have a good day.