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REQUEST TO ADD FANUC LRMATE 100iB to the library可打印版本

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REQUEST TO ADD FANUC LRMATE 100iB to the library-MihaiSebastianDenis-06-08-2022

[attachment=3450]Hello RoboDK team

I'm a student at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and I have an assignement related to the FANUC LRMATE 100iB and I can't find it in the library. Can it be added? It has 5 axes and there is no feature that allows me to build a 5 axes robot, only 6 or 7 axes.

我可以't add the step file, it is to big

RE: REQUEST TO ADD FANUC LRMATE 100iB to the library-Sam-06-13-2022


I added your request to our backlog, and it will be process as soon as possible.
You can contact us at with your active license to speed up the process.
