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FanucSM Connection Failing可打印版本

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FanucSM Connection Failing-Alec.Zitzelberger-04-04-2022

As of updating to version 5.4.1, I am no longer able to connect to my Fanuc robot. When I attempt to connect, I get the error, "FanucSM.exe - Entry Point Not Found". I think this means that it is failing to find the path to the driver. I've tried rebooting the PC, and re-installing RoboDK, but I still get the same error.


How can I fix this?

RE: FanucSM Connection Failing-Jeremy-04-04-2022

What happens if you press the select button linked to "Driver:".
Can you select "FanucSM" there?
Does this properly reset the path.


RE: FanucSM Connection Failing-Alec.Zitzelberger-04-04-2022

(04-04-2022, 05:56 PM)Jeremy Wrote:What happens if you press the select button linked to "Driver:".
Can you select "FanucSM" there?
Does this properly reset the path.


I already attempted that, and it still gives the same error. FanucSM was one of the listed options, and I clicked it to set it up.

RE: FanucSM Connection Failing-Albert-04-05-2022

Deleting this file should solve the problem:
This is an old version of the DLL.

All drivers should take the correct DLLs from the RoboDK bin directory (with very few exceptions).