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Changing 'Active Tool' with Python可打印版本

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Changing 'Active Tool' with Python-Civgineer-02-19-2019


I have several tools mounted on the same robot. To work with them independently I usesetVisibleproperty, but I did not find how to change 'Active Tool' parameter with Python. Is it possible?

Thank you in advance!

RE: Changing 'Active Tool' with Python-Albert-02-19-2019

Yes, this is possible using setPoseTool(). You can set the active tool as an item or as a pose. You can also use setPoseFrame for reference frames.

More information here:

RE: Changing 'Active Tool' with Python-Civgineer-02-22-2019

Thank you!

RE: Changing 'Active Tool' with Python-mFarzanehkaloorazi-03-17-2020

(02-19-2019, 11:49 AM)Albert Wrote:Yes, this is possible using setPoseTool(). You can set the active tool as an item or as a pose. You can also use setPoseFrame for reference frames.

More information here:

Hi Albert,

Seems like changing active tool does not work in C++. Could you please double check it?

RE: Changing 'Active Tool' with Python-Albert-03-20-2020

Are you using the latest version of RoboDK? Are you trying to set the tool as a pose or as a tool pointer?

It would be great if you can share a sample script file that shows the issue.

Thank you,
