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Problem when generating robot program- Printable Version

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Problem when generating robot program-Yohan Lemarchandel-03-21-2022


I want to generate a robot program using a G-Code post processor but there is an error appearing when I generate the robot program. Do I have to change something in the Python file of the post processor ?


RE: Problem when generating robot program-Olivier-03-21-2022

Can you share the station?

RE: Problem when generating robot program-Yohan Lemarchandel-03-21-2022

.rdk LUCAS - ROBOT CARTÉSIEN 3 AXES - 1 ROBOT.rdk(Size: 709.93 KB / Downloads: 178)

RE: Problem when generating robot program-Olivier-03-21-2022

It seem to be working correctly on my side.

Are you using the python version that come by default with RoboDK?

In options->Python->Python interpreter, the path should be C:/RoboDK/Python37/python.exe

RE: Problem when generating robot program-Jeremy-03-21-2022

Bonjour Yohan,

Est-ce que tu peux mettre à jour RDK si ce n'est pas déjà fait.
Nous avons fait des modifications/améliration à notre API depuis le début de l'année et ça cause peut-être problème dans ce cas ci.

Tout fonctionne bien de mon côté aussi.

RE: Problem when generating robot program-Yohan Lemarchandel-03-21-2022

Merci pour vos réponses,

C'est étonnant j'ai toujours la même erreur alors que je viens de télécharger la nouvelle version de RoboDK et j'ai bien l'interpréteur Python dans ce cheminC:/RoboDK/Python37/python.exe


RE: Problem when generating robot program-Olivier-03-21-2022

This is possibly a problem related to the environment variables of your windows.

Try this :

In the search bar, search for "Edit the system environment variables"->Advanced->Environment Variables->Go to the "System variables" window and select Path->Edit...->Make sur you have C:\RoboDK\Python37\ here.

RE: Problem when generating robot program-Yohan Lemarchandel-03-22-2022

I just changed the environment variables but the error appears despite the modifications :/

RE: Problem when generating robot program-Albert-03-22-2022

I would add a 5th step to Olivier's comments which is to reboot RoboDK after changing the path.

RE: Problem when generating robot program-Yohan Lemarchandel-03-22-2022

我做到了,但我仍然有这个问题,我有to change other environment variables ?