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How to convert an item to an object可打印版本

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How to convert an item to an object-Yohan Lemarchandel-05-12-2021


I'm using the RoboDK Python API to build a robot mechanism. But when I load my 3D model assembly I have unknown type of items and I can't manipulate them (to merge each other for example).
I know we can convert an item to an object by right click and then click "Convert to Object" (as shown in attached picture).
But I would like to know if there is a way to convert these type of items in object type items so that I can manipulate them using the Python API ?

RE: How to convert an item to an object-Jeremy-05-12-2021

Do you mean if it's possible to convert them directly from the API?


RE: How to convert an item to an object-Yohan Lemarchandel-05-17-2021

Yes I would like to know if it's possible to convert an item to an object from the API ?

Yohan Lemarchandel