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How to transfer the .m code(from matlab) to the TP code(fanuc)- Printable Version

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How to transfer the .m code(from matlab) to the TP code(fanuc)-Daming-04-17-2021

Hey guys!
I am undergraduate student who is new in the RoboDK API. I can simulate the program through Matlab.

Buthow can I transfer the .m code to the Fanuc's TP code by thepostprocess function.

I have overviewed almost every examples in files of Matlab library, while I didn't find the way to solve it.

Sincerely ask for help!
Best wishes and THANKS a lot!

再保险:如何转移(matlab) th . m代码e TP code(fanuc)-Jeremy-04-21-2021

We will need a bit more information.

How come do you have M code coming from Matlab?
What is your workflow exactly? If you have M code, does an NC program is involved?
