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Move Robot along a single axis until TargetReachError in Python- Printable Version

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Move Robot along a single axis until TargetReachError in Python-Daniel86-03-16-2021

Hi, i am new in RoboDK,
i want to create a raster in Python in which the robot start by every point a movement of the tool only along the z axis by a loop with step by step (1mm steps) until the robot can not reach the next step. But i cant find the right command.

For Example:

虽然工业区< = 9999:# targetReachError里面the limit
iz += 1

if iz = "robot.TargetReachError"

somthing like that...
or is another structur helpfully?


RE: Move Robot along a single axis until TargetReachError in Python-Jeremy-03-17-2021

Hi Daniel,

MoveL_Test is what you are looking for I believe.

