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Cannot find the start point- Printable Version

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Cannot find the start point-fahadak89-12-23-2020


I am trying to create a 3d printing simulation by fixing an extrusion tool on a structure and connecting the bed type structure to the robotic arm ABB IRB 120. I provided a 3d printing frame of reference at the tip of the fixed extruder and selected my vice (bed) as the tool connected to the robotic arm. Once I am done selecting the object in 3d printing settings, it calculates the path points but when I click update, it gives error Cannot find a start point. How to solve this issue?

Fahad Ahmad Khan

RE: Cannot find the start point-Jeremy-12-23-2020

Hi there,

I was able to make it work, here are the changes I made.


RE: Cannot find the start point-fahadak89-12-24-2020

Thank you Jeremy. The simulation worked. I guess now I have to fine tune it.

Best regards
Fahad Ahmad Khan

Just to be sure about understanding it, can you tell how did you come across that dimension of 650 mm?

RE: Cannot find the start point-Jeremy-12-24-2020

That was a pure guess.
I tried to run your project, realized the robot was too clamped upon itself, moved it down a bit.
But when I'm eyeballing things I always use rounded numbers, it's cleaner that way.

But even what I gave you doesn't really work as your bed is interfering with the robot arm.
你可能会想要一些空间之间的床上and the robot flange otherwise you will have collisions.


RE: Cannot find the start point-fahadak89-12-28-2020

Hello Jeremy,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I saw those collisions. I am thinking to insert a spacer between the bed and the robot flange. I inserted the flange in my CAD model but when I am importing the bed as a tool in the Robotic Arm, it does not connect itself to the flange. Can you guide how to perfectly align the bed with the robot flange in the simulation environment? Like it should connect the bed with the spacer I inserted in the CAD model rather than deciding its own position.

RE: Cannot find the start point-Jeremy-12-28-2020

Hi Fahadak,

Take a look at these videos:
