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Model Mechanism or robot problem——革命制度党ntable Version

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Model Mechanism or robot problem-icecutepeople-11-25-2020

I imported the six-axis robot STL format file into robodk, and tried to use the "Model Mechanism or robot" function to create a new robot. But I found that the rotation direction of the robot generated after clicking the Update button is not the same as my actual robot. I tried to adjust the parameters in the dialog box but it did not work. The documentation on the official website is too brief. The first picture is the initial state, the second and the third pictures are the rotated states.Is there a solution?Thanks.

RE: Model Mechanism or robot problem-Jeremy-11-25-2020

Hi Ice,

You need to make sure the origin of your 3D model aligns with the base of the robot.
Right now you see the "My mechanism base" is not connected to the robot base.


RE: Model Mechanism or robot problem-icecutepeople-11-26-2020

Hi Jeremy,
My robot is not a standard six-axis robotic arm. Its axis rotation direction is different from that of a general robotic arm. I have imported the base, but the rotation direction is still incorrect, even if the angle is adjusted in the parameters.

RE: Model Mechanism or robot problem-Jeremy-11-26-2020

Can you provide your .rdk station?


RE: Model Mechanism or robot problem-icecutepeople-12-22-2020

How to append attachments?I did not find the button.

RE: Model Mechanism or robot problem-Jeremy-12-23-2020

Hi Ice,

I explained it here, the first comment at the top of the page://
