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Jogging quick keys可打印版本

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Jogging quick keys-Andrew_AS-10-07-2020

Fanuc RoboGuide, and ABBs RobotStudio both have quick keys for jogging axis 1-6/XYZWPR depending on the orientation currently selected. There is also a quick key to select the orientation you wish to job in (Tool, base, reference, joint).

I personally utilize those keys in RoboGuide often when doing simulation work. Is this something that can be added to RoboDK? All those functions exist, just without a key linked to it. The scroll wheel is somewhat clumsy and not overly accurate.

Also, having a jog speed control/incremental control would be advantageous as well. It is not always advantageous to use the scroll wheel or drag the TCP when teaching in some fixtures.


RE: Jogging quick keys-Albert-10-14-2020

Hi Andrew,

Are you familiar with the robot pilot plugin?

You can follow these steps to try it:
  1. Select Tools-Plug-Ins
  2. Double click robot pilot (make sure it is green/active)
  3. Select Tools-Robot pilot
You'll see a robot panel where you can move by increments.

Also with a customRoboDK Appit is very easy to customize the behavior of RoboDK and link certain actions to keyboard shortcuts. Let us know if you need help customizing this.

RE: Jogging quick keys-Andrew_AS-10-14-2020

I was not aware of the robot pilot plugin. That is what I was looking for. I will need to play around with the App to add the quick keys I want, but I think that should suffice.

Thank you.