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Fanuc R-2000ic/210F File Not Found- Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Fanuc R-2000ic/210F File Not Found (/线程- fanuc - r - 2000 - ic - 210F-File-Not-Found)

Fanuc R-2000ic/210F File Not

Hey Guys,

Just trying to use the Fanuc R-2000ic/210F from the robot library and I'm getting a "File not found." error.

Any way we can make this downloadable?


EDIT: Just noticed that this probably should have been in the Bugs board, sorry!

RE: Fanuc R-2000ic/210F File Not Found-Albert-10-05-2020

Hi Jesse,

We just fixed this issue. Thanks for letting us know.
I'm moving this thread to the bugs section.
