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Simulation mode with external path planner可打印版本

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Simulation mode with external path planner-rett84-06-10-2020


Would it be possible to add a feature to the API, to control the robot in simulation mode only, using an external path planner? In other words, set each joint speed independently.

Thank you.

RE: Simulation mode with external path planner-Albert-06-11-2020

I'm not sure I understand your suggestion. Do you mean set the robot joints?

You can iteratively set the robot joints through the API by using the setJoints command.

RE: Simulation mode with external path planner-rett84-06-11-2020

Hi Albert,

The setJoints command sets the joints absolute positions. I meant to set the joints velocities. Instead of sending joints positions, I would like to know if it is possible to set joints velocities and update it on-the-fly, disabling the built-in position control mode.

RE: Simulation mode with external path planner-Albert-06-17-2020

This can be done but requires some integration and it is not robot agnostic. I recommend you to take a look at the InstructionListJoints function:

You should then customize how you stream the data to the robot to make the robot move.