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Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel- Printable Version

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Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-rene-12-18-2019


up to now I worked with the standard UR Postprocessor which works fine. Now I tried to generate a URP file which is editable in Polyscope. I changed the postprocessor to Universal Robots URP and made the new program, but the Polyscope Screen gives me an error that the file cannot be loaded.
My Polyscope Version is 3.5. Do I need a newer Version or did I missed something to do ?

I attached the generated files.

I hope someone can help me

René Stolz

RE: Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-Albert-12-18-2019

Hi Réné,

RoboDK can't load URP files. However, URP files are zipped files (you can unzip them with 7zip for example). If the program is an XML file that was generated by hand using Polyscope, RoboDK may not be able to read the programs.

However, you'll usually find a SCRIPT file in the controller that is automatically generated when you run a URP file. You should be able to load that file instead. If you have a lot of URCaps installed you may see a long header that you can delete.


RE: Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-Jeremy-12-18-2019

Hi René,

I assume that you want to load the URP created by RoboDK on the UR controller.

If it's the case, updating your version of Polyscope on your robot controller may solve the problem.
Can you try that and tell us if it helps.

Have a great day.

RE: Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-rene-12-18-2019

(12-18-2019, 07:01 PM)Jeremy Wrote:Hi René,

I assume that you want to load the URP created by RoboDK on the UR controller.

If it's the case, updating your version of Polyscope on your robot controller may solve the problem.
Can you try that and tell us if it helps.

Have a great day.

Hi Jeremy,

that is exactly what I tried to do. I will update my Polyscope Controller and tell you the result, but it will take some time. Thank you for the fast reply.


RE: Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-Albert-12-18-2019

Hi Rene,

Jeremy is right. My first answer doesn't make sense as I thought you were trying to load a URP file in RoboDK.

You may see an error message in the log that give you a hint about what could have gone wrong.


RE: Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-rene-12-20-2019


now I updated Polyscope to the newest version 3.12 but still cannot load the urp file. It just tells me it cannot load the file.
Normally I don't need to make any changes to the postprocessor. ?! Do you have an example output of the UniversalRobotsURP postprocessor ?


RE: Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-Albert-12-20-2019

Hi René,

I recommend you to try the following post processors:
  • Universal Robots
  • Universal Robots URP
They both generate a URP file but one uses the XML scheme of UR to nicely show in the teach pendant. More information here:

If one post doesn't work:
  • What post did you use?
  • Did you make any changes to the default post processor?
  • Do you see any messages in the UR log?
  • Can you share your RDK project?

RE: Cannot load URP file into Universal Robots Panel-rene-12-21-2019

Hello Albert,

using post processorUniversal Robots works fine. I made several programs with this post processor. It just works.
Using post processorUniversal Robots URP doesn't work in my case.
I did not make any changes to the post.
I checked the UR log now but I can't see a specific error message. If I try to load the URP file the Robot gets deactivated and needs a new initialization.

I attach the rdk Project, my URP output and my script output of theUniversal Robots URP post. I hope you can find something.

Thanks in advance


.zip 9.15 MB / Downloads: 379)