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“伴侣" robot base to moving slide- Printable Version

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“伴侣" robot base to moving slide-allenbancroft-11-25-2019

I have been trying to get my robot to move back and forth on "My Mechanism". (A rail that I made move back and forth.)

How do I "mate" the robot base to move back and forth when I move the rail? I have racked my brain long enough :)

Thank you in advance

RE: "Mate" robot base to moving slide-Jeremy-11-25-2019

Hi there, you should have your robot base reference frame as a child of your mechanism :

Have a great day.

RE: "Mate" robot base to moving slide-allenbancroft-11-25-2019

Thank you Jeremy

RE: "Mate" robot base to moving slide-allenbancroft-11-25-2019

One follow up.
OK, I got that working per your advise, however:

- I can move the rail with the robot on it now. (Under My Mechanism)
- I can make a program to have the robot move (Under the Fanuc icon)
- However, I want to have in my program: Step 1 move Fanuc, Step 2 move the rail

How do I step between the 2 different actions?

RE: "Mate" robot base to moving slide-Jeremy-11-25-2019

2 choices:
1. Right click the robot and Synch external axis. You can then create program using both the robot and the external axis.
Keep the rail value constant if you only want to move the robot and vice versa.
2. Create a program, right click on it and select the right "robot" (the robot or the mechanism), this program will only affect the selected mechanical unit.
