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Grasping Force Control for Gripper RobotiQ 85- Printable Version

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Grasping Force Control for Gripper RobotiQ 85-Mitja GOLOB-11-20-2019


I wonder how it is possible to control (read / set) the grasping force of the Gripper RobotiQ 85.



RE: Grasping Force Control for Gripper RobotiQ 85-Albert-11-20-2019

Hi Mitja,

I recommend you to customize your post processor. You can add your own custom functions in the header.

More information about post processors and how to customize them here:

You'll find a Universal Robots post processor called "Universal Robots RobotiQ" that shows how to integrate and trigger specific RobotiQ gripper commands.

If you can provide us with the code you want to run with RoboDK we can help you update the post processor.


RE: Grasping Force Control for Gripper RobotiQ 85-Mitja GOLOB-11-21-2019


I have reviewed the documentation for the Gripper RobotiQ 85 gripper. In our case, we should have the following options available:
--- rq_activate_and_wait ()
--- rq_current_pos_mm ()
--- rq_set_force ('' force '')
--- rq_set_speed ('' speed '')

Do we need to modify the postprocessor, or can we use these commands directly (without any changes in the postprocessor) in >> Add Program call or Custom code - Insert Code <<.

Thanks for the help and best regards.


RE: Grasping Force Control for Gripper RobotiQ 85-Jeremy-11-22-2019

Hi Mitja,

You should try it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work this way.
