# This script allows you to load the same kinematics used in your UR robot controller. # You'll need a URP file generated using the real UR controller (not RoboDK or the UR simulator) # This script will load the unique UR robot kinematics in RoboDK and you'll be able to switch between nominal and controller kinematics in the Parameters menu from the robot panel import os from robolink import * import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Define the (to be maintained by RoboDK only) class Robolink2(Robolink): def UpdateKinematicsUR(self, robot, dh_ur, tolerance): self._check_connection() self._send_line('UpdateKinematicsUR') self._send_item(robot) self._send_matrix(dh_ur) self._send_array([tolerance]) status = self._rec_int() msg = self._rec_line() errors_before = self._rec_array() errors_after = self._rec_array() self._check_status() return status, msg, errors_before.list(), errors_after.list() # Start the RoboDK API RDK = Robolink2() # Select the robot to update robot = RDK.ItemUserPick('Select a UR robot', ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT) if not robot.Valid(): RDK.ShowMessage("UR robot not found. Load your UR robot first from the RoboDK library") quit() # Retrieve URP file root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() #root.lift() root.attributes("-topmost", True) rdk_path = RDK.getParam('PATH_OPENSTATION') fileopen_urp = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=rdk_path, title = "Select a URP file generated using Polyscope on the real robot (not generated using RoboDK or UR Simulator)", filetypes = (("URP files","*.urp"),("all files","*.*"))) if not fileopen_urp: quit() # Read the compressed URP file urp_xml = None import gzip with gzip.open(fileopen_urp, 'rb') as fid_gz: urp_xml = fid_gz.read() # Retrieve the kinematic parameters from the URP file dh_alpha = None dh_a = None dh_dTheta = None dh_d = None # Added support for old versions and new versions urp_xml = urp_xml.decode('utf-8') id_1 = urp_xml.index(' = 0 and id_2 > id_1: urp_xml = urp_xml[id_1:id_2+13] xml = ET.fromstring(urp_xml) #for kin_node in xml:#.iterfind('kinematics'): # for child in kin_node: for child in xml: if child.tag == 'alpha': if len(child.attrib) == 0: # New version dh_alpha = [] for d in child: dh_alpha.append(float(d.text)) else: value = child.attrib['value'] dh_alpha = [float(v) for v in value.replace(' ','').split(',')] print('alpha: ' + str(dh_alpha)) if child.tag == 'a': if len(child.attrib) == 0: # New version dh_a = [] for d in child: dh_a.append(float(d.text)*1000.0) else: value = child.attrib['value'] dh_a = [float(v)*1000.0 for v in value.replace(' ','').split(',')] print('a: ' + str(dh_a)) if child.tag == 'deltaTheta': if len(child.attrib) == 0: # New version dh_dTheta = [] for d in child: dh_dTheta.append(float(d.text)) else: value = child.attrib['value'] dh_dTheta = [float(v) for v in value.replace(' ','').split(',')] print('deltaTheta: ' + str(dh_dTheta)) if child.tag == 'd': if len(child.attrib) == 0: # New version dh_d = [] for d in child: dh_d.append(float(d.text)*1000.0) else: value = child.attrib['value'] dh_d = [float(v)*1000.0 for v in value.replace(' ','').split(',')] print('d: ' + str(dh_d)) # Make sure we found all the information regarding the DH table if dh_alpha is None or dh_a is None or dh_dTheta is None or dh_d is None: RDK.ShowMessage("Kinematics information not found in the URP file provided.

你选择一个URP文件产生的真实的吗UR controller?") quit() # Update the DH table information in RoboDK dh_mat = Mat([dh_alpha, dh_a, dh_dTheta, dh_d]).tr() # Numeric tolerance for the virtual/g calibration: tolerance = 0.001 # Update the robot kinematics. RoboDK calculates the DHM table given the DH parameters status, msg, errors_before, errors_after = RDK.UpdateKinematicsUR(robot, dh_mat, tolerance) # Show status message to the user if status >= 0: msg = '' + msg + '.' # Make sure the nominal error is within reasonable limits (max error of 20 mm should be safe) if errors_before[3] > 20.0: msg += '

Warning! Something does NOT look right. Did you select the right robot in RoboDK?' msg += '

SelectParametersin the robot panel to switch between nominal and UR controller kinematics. Important: the table shows the DHM parameters (Denavit Hartenberg Modified)' else: msg = '' + msg + '' msg += '

Warning! Something went wrong' print(msg) print(errors_before) print(errors_after) RDK.ShowMessage(msg)