从公益诉讼导入图像# cv2作为简历导入#导入os # CODE Move arm to starting position # Ask for the user's color preference, if input not on list repeat until user selects option def get_choice(): options = ["RED", "BLUE", "GREEN"] print("Hi, Baxter will remove any unwanted color block") print("Options are RED, GREEN and BLUE") while True: choice1 = input("Which color would you like to keep?\n") selection = choice1.upper() # Make input uppercase if selection in options: return selection else: print(selection,"is not an option. Please try again") choice = get_choice() print("You have chosen",choice) # CODE Move Baxter Arm X distance to the right img = Image.open(filename) color = img.getpixel((320, 240)) # Get the RGB values at coordinate x = 320, y = 240. red = (227, 0, 0) green = (0, 227, 0) blue = (0, 0, 227) # Determine action from colors if choice == "RED" and color == red: print("RedCorrect") # CODE Baxter will X distance to the right for next block elif choice == "BLUE" and color == blue: print("BlueCorrect") # CODE Baxter will X distance to the right for next block elif choice == "GREEN" and color == green: print("BlueCorrect") # CODE Baxter will X distance to the right for next block else: print("Not", choice) # Baxter arm perform pick and place exercise