/ /激活一个io映射、删除评论rks '//' // and replace the description with the name of a system input or output, // then reboot. Correct / incorrect mappings are listed in the event logger. //===== MAPPING OF SYSTEM SIGNALS TO SYSTEM OUTPUTS ===== //limitSwitch = digital output - status of the electrical limit switches (LSW signal) //driveFault = digital output - status of the drives (DF signal) //initSwitch = digital output - status of the software activation of the safety chain (SHORTR signal) //watchdog = digital output - status of the USBI board watchdog (WDG signal) //fuse24V = digital output - status of the USBI board fuse 24V (24V_FUS signal) //estopMCP = digital output - status of the MCP emergency stop (deduced from TPES1 and TPES2 signals) //estopUser1-2 = digital output - status of one user emergency stop (deduced from UES1 and UES2 signals) //estopUser3-4 = digital output - status of the other user emergency stop (deduced from UES3 and UES4 signals) //estopWMS = digital output - status of the remote or "working mode selector" emergency stop (deduced from WMSES1 and WMSES2 signals) //userEnable = digital output - status of the user enable signals (deduced from UEN1 and UEN2 signals) //door = digital output - status of the door (deduced from DOOR1 and DOOR2 signals) //brakeSelect = digital output - status of the brake select switch (BRK_SEL signal) //brakeRelease = digital output - status of the brake release switch (BRK_REL signal) //park = digital output - status of the MCP park captor (deduced from PARK1 and PARK2 signals) //deadman = digital output - status of the MCP deadman switch (deduced from DEADMAN1 and DEADMAN2 signals) //hardwareFault = digital output - a fault on hardware signals was detected and must be fixed //popup = serial output - transmit popup messages //power = digital output - status of arm power //fastSpeed = digital output - status of the fast speed mode in test working mode //dummyPlug = digital output - presence of the dummy plug in replacement of the MCP //temperature = analog output - temperature of the cabinet in �C (measured on safety board) //===== CONFIGURATION OF SYSTEM INPUTS ===== //estopAcknowledge = digital input - acknowledge Estop in manual mode - default is MCP park signal //validationKey = digital input - switch to fast speed in test mode enablePower = usrIn0 //hardwareFaultAcknowledge = digital input - acknowledge the repair of a fault on hardware signals //remoteMonitorSpeed = analog input ]0,+100] - replace the -/+ keys of the MCP (only when MCP is replaced with a dummy plug) //remoteMoveHold = digital input - replace the Move/Hold button of the MCP (only when MCP is replaced with a dummy plug) //remoteEnablePower = digital input - replace the Power button of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteTestMode = digital input - switch to Test mode (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteManualMode = digital input - switch to Manual mode (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteLocalMode = digital input - switch to Local mode (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteRemoteMode = digital input - switch to Remote mode (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteDeadman1 = digital input - replace one deadman contact of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteDeadman2 = digital input - replace the other deadman contact of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remotePark1 = digital input - replace one park contact of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remotePark2 = digital input - replace the other park contact of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogJointMode = digital input - replace the Joint button of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogFrameMode = digital input - replace the Frame button of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogToolMode = digital input - replace the Tool button of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogUserMode = digital input - replace the Point button of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogMove1 = analog input [-100,+100] - replace the X -/+ buttons of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogMove2 = analog input [-100,+100] - replace the Y -/+ buttons of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogMove3 = analog input [-100,+100] - replace the Z -/+ buttons of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogMove4 = analog input [-100,+100] - replace the RX -/+ buttons of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogMove5 = analog input [-100,+100] - replace the RY -/+ buttons of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteJogMove6 = analog input [-100,+100] - replace the RZ -/+ buttons of the MCP (only with 'remote Mcp' option) //remoteSpeedLimit = digital input - increase the max. Cartesian speed in fast test mode (only with 'remote Mcp' option)