#类型帮助(“robolink”)或(“robodk”)information # Press F5 to run the script # Documentation: //www.sinclairbody.com/doc/en/RoboDK-API.html # Reference: //www.sinclairbody.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/index.html # Note: It is not required to keep a copy of this file, your python script is saved with the station from robolink import * # RoboDK API from robodk import * # Robot toolbox import math RDK = Robolink() # Enter the distance, in mm, to filter points min and max distance. # For example, if we want one point each 2 mm at most, we should enter MinFilterPointDistance = 2. # Set to -1 to not filter the points distance. MinFilterPointDistance = -1 # in mm MaxFilterPointDistance = -1 # in mm # Ask the user to select the object obj = RDK.ItemUserPick("Select the object to modify curves") # we can optionally filter by ITEM_TYPE_OBJECT or ITEM_TYPE_TOOL (not both) # Exit if the user selects cancel if not obj.Valid(): quit() # Ask the user to enter min and max distance between points if MinFilterPointDistance <= 0: str_min_filter = mbox("Enter the minimum distance between points (mm).\nUse -1 to disable minimum distance filter.", entry="10") if not str_min_filter: # The user selected cancel quit() # Convert the user input to an integer MinFilterPointDistance = float(str_min_filter) if MinFilterPointDistance == 0 or MinFilterPointDistance < -1: RDK.ShowMessage("Invalid Filter value. Enter a value >= 1 mm or -1", False) raise Exception(msg) if MaxFilterPointDistance <= 0: str_max_filter = mbox("Enter the maximum distance between points (mm).\nUse -1 to disable maximum distance filter.", entry="10") if not str_max_filter: # The user selected cancel quit() # Convert the user input to an integer MaxFilterPointDistance = float(str_max_filter) if MaxFilterPointDistance == 0 or MaxFilterPointDistance < -1: RDK.ShowMessage("Invalid Filter value. Enter a value >= 1 mm or -1", False) raise Exception(msg) if MinFilterPointDistance < 0 and MaxFilterPointDistance < 0: quit() # Iterate through all object curves, extract the curve points and modify point density curve_id = 0 obj_filtered = None stupid_flag = False while True: points, name_feature = obj.GetPoints(FEATURE_CURVE, curve_id) # points is a double array of float with np points and xyzijk data for each point # point[np] = [x,y,z,i,j,k] # where xyz is the position and ijk is the tool orientation (Z axis, usually the normal to the surface) np = len(points) # when curve_id is out of bounds, an empty double array is returned if np == 0 or len(points[0]) < 6: break msg = "Modifying: " + name_feature print(msg) RDK.ShowMessage(msg, False) curve_id = curve_id + 1 lastp = None points_filtered = [] points_filtered.append(points[0]) lastp = points[0] for i in range(1,np): # If distance is between bundaries print(distance(lastp, points[i])) if (distance(lastp, points[i]) > MinFilterPointDistance and distance(lastp, points[i]) < MaxFilterPointDistance): points_filtered.append(points[i]) lastp = points[i] # If distance is too long elif distance(lastp, points[i]) > MaxFilterPointDistance: filter_iteration = math.ceil(distance(lastp, points[i])/MaxFilterPointDistance) new_point = [0,0,0,0,0,0] for j in range(1,filter_iteration): for k in range(6): new_point[k] = (points[i][k] - lastp[k])/filter_iteration * j + lastp[k] if distance(lastp, new_point) < MinFilterPointDistance: pourcentage_distance = MinFilterPointDistance/distance(lastp, points[i]) for k in range(6): new_point[k] = (points[i][k] - lastp[k])*pourcentage_distance + lastp[k] points_filtered.append(new_point) lastp = new_point i = i-1 stupid_flag = True break points_filtered.append(new_point) new_point = [0,0,0,0,0,0] # Stupid way of skipping the last point... Need to rethink that whole part before it bits me if stupid_flag == False: points_filtered.append(points[i]) lastp = points[i] else: stupid_flag = False # If distance is too short elif distance(lastp, points[i]) < MinFilterPointDistance and i == np-1: points_filtered.append(points[i]) points = points_filtered # For the first curve: create a new object, rename it and place it in the same location of the original object if obj_filtered is None: obj_filtered = RDK.AddCurve(points, 0, False, PROJECTION_NONE) obj_filtered.setName(obj.Name() + " Filtered") obj_filtered.setParent(obj.Parent()) obj_filtered.setGeometryPose(obj_filtered.GeometryPose()) else: # After the first curve has been added, add following curves to the same object RDK.AddCurve(points, obj_filtered, True, PROJECTION_NONE) # Set the curve display width obj_filtered.setValue('DISPLAY','LINEW=2') # Set the curve color as RGBA values [0-1.0] obj_filtered.setColorCurve([0.0,0.5,1.0, 0.8])