Stopped Stopped Starting robot driver: C:/RoboDK/api/robot/ Starting... 37 RoboDK Driver v2.1 for Mitsubishi robot controllers Command c 1;1;SRVOFF: Servo OFF Command c 1;1;SRVON: Servo ON Disconnected Sending command... DBG --- ---linecmd = CONNECT 10001 4 Disconnected Connecting to robot Working... Waiting for welcome message... Working... DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;OPEN=ROBODK DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK27;F;4,0;3,5,A,1E,32,46,64;MB4;PRM;RH-12SH5535;CRn-5xx;MELFA;08-09-16;Ver.K9;ENG;COPYRIGHT(C)1999-2008 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED;1;1;8; Working... DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;RSTALRM DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;CNTLON DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;SRVON DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK Ready Sending command... DBG --- ---linecmd = MOVJ -34.740000 4.390000 379.340000 62.250000 588.615258 -377.911294 379.340000 180.000000 -0.000000 -92.600000 Working... DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;FDELMRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;NEW DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;LOAD=MRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 1 J1=(-34.740000,4.390000,379.340000,62.250000,588.615258,-377.911294) DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 2 MOV J1 DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 3 END DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;SAVE DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;RSTPRG DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;PRGLOAD=MRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;RSTPRG DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1; 1; RUNMRL; 1 DBG— ---recv_str = QoK Ready Sending command... DBG --- ---linecmd = MOVJ -63.560000 70.470000 379.340000 62.250000 489.611965 -296.674639 379.340000 180.000000 -0.000000 -55.340000 Working... DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;FDELMRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;NEW DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;LOAD=MRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 1 J1=(-63.560000,70.470000,379.340000,62.250000,489.611965,-296.674639) DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 2 MOV J1 DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 3 END DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;SAVE DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;RSTPRG DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;PRGLOAD=MRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;RSTPRG DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1; 1; RUNMRL; 1 DBG— ---recv_str = QoK Ready Sending command... DBG --- ---linecmd = MOVJ -34.740000 4.390000 379.340000 62.250000 588.615258 -377.911294 379.340000 180.000000 -0.000000 -92.600000 Working... DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;FDELMRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;NEW DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;LOAD=MRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 1 J1=(-34.740000,4.390000,379.340000,62.250000,588.615258,-377.911294) DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 2 MOV J1 DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;EDATA 3 END DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;SAVE DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;RSTPRG DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;PRGLOAD=MRL DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1;1;RSTPRG DBG --- ---recv_str = QoK DBG --- ——send_str = 1; 1; RUNMRL; 1 DBG— ---recv_str = QoK Ready # Here I Try to start a LINEAR MOVEMENT from a Program of RoboDK. # But only Sending command... comes up and nothing else happens Sending command...